Wednesday, January 26, 2011

PAM Travel Stipend Award - Deadline Extended

Are you planning to attend the Annual SLA conference in Philadelphia, PA in June? Do you have less than 3 years of professional library experience? Do you work in a library focusing on one or more of the PAM disciplines (physics, astronomy, mathematics, or computer science) or act as a library's subject specialist for one or more of these disciplines?

Don't hesitate and apply yourself or encourage your new librarian to apply for one of the four travel stipends of $1,000 each sponsored by IOP Publishing! The deadline has been extended to February 10, 2011.

For more information see the SLA Blog posting - thanks and hope to hear from you!

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

All Sciences Poster Session: Call for Posters

SLA 2001 All Sciences Poster Session
Call for Posters
Deadline: February 1st, 2011

The Biomedical & Life Sciences, Chemistry, Food Agriculture Nutrition, Physics Astronomy Mathematics, Science & Technology and Engineering Divisions of SLA invite proposals for a poster session to be held during the divisions' All Sciences Poster Session and Reception at SLA 2011 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The Poster Session and Open House will be held on Tuesday June 14th from 5:30-7:00pm.

Submit your proposal to

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