Friday, May 27, 2005

An introduction

My name is Carol Hutchins. I head the Courant Institute of Math Sciences library at New York University, and have been doing that since 1992. Before that, I worked at Indiana University in Bloomington, and even before that at Univ of New Mexico. I studied mathematics and German literature (odd dual major) at the Univ of Texas, and went to grad library school at UC Berkeley.

I have no idea whether I will be able to do much posting during the conference itself, unless Wi-Fi is more available than I imagine at this point. Use of a mobile device such as blackberry might be what I'd choose to do. RIM is a Canadian company after all!!

I will be making a brief presentation during the Math Roundtable, which in my best hope will precipitate some thoughful discussion.

Blogger I am not, unless one would wish to regard PAMnet as a group blog.

While I look forward to visiting Toronto, I will leave the meeting a bit early this year, as I am going on to Joint conf on digital libraries in Denver.


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